Aceromath is a 2D attractor graphicator licensed under
the GPL. It was programmed by THE NET
CENTINELL at UADE University for a course of engineering.
Aceromath is a 2D attractor graphicator coded entirely in
C++. It can graphicate:
- discrete monotonus attractors
- discrete non monotonous attractors
- linear continuous attractors
- non linear continuous attractors
Aceromath has a built in parser which can evaluate any
kind of mathematical expression having brackets. At a first time Aceromath
evaluates all expressions in brackets, then evaluates the total expression and
graphicates it.
You can write in the expression also:
- sen(Xn) y senh(Xn) = sine &
hyperbolic sine
- cos(Xn) y cosh(Xn) = cosine &
hyperbolic cosine
- tan(Xn) y tanh(Xn) = tangent &
hyperbolic tangent
- ln(Xn) = natural logarithm
- exp(Xn) = e at Xn power
- attractor parameters